JB Instant Lawn Blog

JB Signature Sod Specifics!

Mar 5th, 2021

On occasion - we here at JB Instant Lawn get asked about product specifics or "specs" regarding the sod choices available.

So, I am creating two blog posts  focused on sharing this specific info to help you choose which sod type you think might be best for you.

In this post - the information provided below is for our Oregon Grown "Signature" Perennial Ryegrass.

You may find this helpful in the decision making process-

*Be sure to check back later for specifications on our Kevlar Turf Type Tall Fescue as well!


JB Signature SOD is a blend of 100% Perennial Ryegrasses which are
specifically recommended for this area. They have been proven to outperform other grasses in the cool, damp Pacific Northwest climate. All seed used for sod production has been grown in Oregon. This sod is grown in the rich dark soil of Oregon’s Willamette Valley.


100% three-way Perennial Ryegrass Blend
34% Insight Spreading Perennial Ryegrass
33% Stellar 3GL/Fastball RGL
33% Grandslam GLD

* These specifications are subject to change.

JB Signature’s main attributes are as follows:

  •  Winter hardy
  • Good green color
  • Fine blade, dense turf
  •  Better adaptation to cool, damp climates
  • Disease resistant
  • Requires less maintenance than Bluegrass
  • Ease of prevention and control of poa annua
  • Degradable “Ecocycle” netting

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